Mobilizon ezagutzeko zenbait galdera…


Nola ikasi dezaket Mobilizon erabiltzen?

You can find our users guide for Mobilizon here.

If you can’t find the answer to your questions there, or if you think there is information missing, come discuss it with us on our contributors’ forum.

Nola instalatu Mobilizon nere zerbitzarian?

You will find the method we recommend in our documentation on how to install Mobilizon on your server.

We will add to this documentation as and when contributors help us maintain other installation methods (Docker, etc.)

Nola eman dezaket izena?

First of all, you need to find an instance of Mobilizon, i.e. a Mobilizon website that a host has installed on its server.

You will find our selection of instances at Please note this selection is based on our own criteria, which may not suit you.

You will find a more complete index of Mobilizon’s public instances on this page.

To better choose your Mobilizon instance, please read its “about” page. This should include who is hosting the instance, why, and under what conditions.