Neka pitanja za otkrivanje Mobilizona …


Kako se mogu registrirati?

Prije svega, moraü pronaći instancu Mobilizona, tj. Mobilizon web mjesto koje je domaćin instalirao na svoj poslužitelj.

Naš izbor instanci možeš pronaći na imaj na umu da je ovaj odabir izrađen na temelju kriterija koji su specifični za nas, koji tebi možda ne odgovaraju.

Potpuniji indeks Mobilizon instanci možeš pronaći na ovoj stranici.

Za bolje biranje svoje Mobilizon instance, pogledaj stranicu s informacijama o tome tko nudi ovu instancu, zašto i pod kojim uvjetima.

Kako mogu naučiti koristiti Mobilizon?

Ovdje se nalazi naša korisnička dokumentacija za Mobilizon.

Ako tamo ne pronađeš odgovor na svoja pitanja ili ako misliš da nedostaju informacije, dođi i raspravljaj s nama u našem forumu za doprinose.

Kako mogu instalirati Mobilizon na svoj poslužitelj?

Metoda koju preporučujemo može se pronaći u našoj dokumentaciji za instaliranje Mobilizona na tvoj poslužitelj.

Dokumentaciju ćemo proširiti kad nam suradnici pomognu pri održavanju drugih metoda instaliranja (Docker, itd.)

Kako mogu doprinijeti Mobilizon kodu?

First of all, you will need to be familiar with Git and Elixir. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, then the project isn't ready to receive your contributions in code yet. Sorry!

If you are versed in these tools, just go to the software repository, and write an issue or fork the repository to propose your own contributions.

Of course, it is always better to talk to each other beforehand. You can use our Matrix lounge for this.

Kako mogu sudjelovati u Mobilizonu, ako ne znam kodirati?

The easiest way is to come and talk to us in the Mobilizon dedicated space on our forum.

Please keep in mind that we are not a multinational tech company, nor even a start-up, but an association with less than 40 members (which carry out other projects in parallel). Don’t worry if it should take us a while to answer you. We’re listening!


Kako mogu promicati ono što radim, što jesam, na Mobilizonu?

Note: if your goal is promotion, popularity, virality, celebrity, buzz, etc. Mobilizon is probably not the right tool for you.

Mobilizon allows you to publish events, and to organize within groups (including discussions, a space for shared links, and the publication of tickets).

Mobilizon is not a social media platform, nor a viral communication tool: it should rather be perceived as an autonomous space for your group, whose members will be able to follow any new content.

If you wish to popularize an event or the post your group has just published on Mobilizon, the best thing to do is to share the link on existing social media, mailing lists, and other means of social communication.

Kako mi Mobilizon može pomoći organizirati moju grupu?

Mobilizon’s functionality has been designed to meet the needs of groups that wish to organize themselves internally while still having a public existence.

This translates into several tools, public and/or internal to the group:

  • (public) a presentation page of the group, including a description as well as events and public tickets;
  • (public or internal) an event publication tool;
  • (public or internal) a tool for publishing posts, like a minimalist blog;
  • (internal) a tool for group discussions, akin to a forum category;
  • (internal) a directory of the group’s useful links, with direct access to collaborative tools.

These tools are there to ensure that collective ventures are not limited to a hashtag and a gathering, giving the means of creating a collective and of encouraging people to do things together.

Ako je slobodno, mogu li reći SVE što želim? Čak i zabranjene stvari?

Being free does not mean being above the law! Every Mobilizon instance may decide on its own terms and conditions of use, within the laws that they are subject to.

For example, in France, content denying the Holocaust is prohibited, and can be reported to the authorities. Mobilizon enables Internet users to report problematic content to the people hosting each instance, and every hosting provider must then apply their moderation in accordance with their terms of use and the law.

The federated system, for its part, allows hosts to decide with whom they want to federate, or not, depending on the types of content or moderation policies of the others.

Tko je odgovoran za objavljeni sadržaj na Mobilizonu?

Mobilizon is not a centralised platform: it is a software application. It allows a hosting provider to create an event management website, and groups. This type of website is called a Mobilizon instance.

The first person legally responsible is the user who publishes illegal or problematic content.

However, according to the laws of the country from which the Mobilizon instance originates, the host may also be co-responsible for any illegal content on their website.

For example, in France, any host informed in due and proper form of manifestly illegal content becomes co-responsible for it if they don't take steps to unpublish it as soon as possible.

Kako mogu zatražiti pridruživanje grupi?

U verziji 1.0.0 Mobilizona još nije moguće zatražiti pridruživanje grupi: gumb „Pridruži se grupi” je neaktivan na javnim stranicama svake grupe.

Međutim, razlog za prikazivanje ovog gumba (zajedno s objašnjavajućom porukom „Trenutačno možeš biti pozvan/a samo u grupe”) je taj što želimo ugraditi tu funkcionalnost.

Stvar je u tome što u federacijskom alatu kodiranje ovog gumba dovodi do niza složenih slučajeva. Stoga nam još treba vremena da to ispravimo.

U međuvremenu, slobodno komentiraj grupni događaj kako bi im dao/la do znanja da želiš biti pozvan/a!

Zašto ne mogu pratiti profil ili omogućiti mojim prijateljima da prate moj profil na Mobilizonu?

Jer Mobilizon nije društvena platforma.

Velika web poduzeća koriste tehnike koje manipuliraju naš ego kako bi zadržali našu pozornost na njihovim društvenim platformama. Prikazivanje velikog broja ljudi koji nas otprilike „prate” laska našem egu i tjera nas da se uključimo i objavljujemo podatke o vlastitom životu na tim platformama.

Dopuštanje praćenja aktivnosti ljudi pomoću digitalnih alata stoga može imati katastrofalne posljedice, dok istovremeno nije važno za alat za organiziranje događaja i upravljanje grupama.

U Mobilizonu su grupe u središtu temeljne funkcionalnosti, a ne pojedinci.


Zašto Mobilizon ne zamjenjuje Facebook?

Mobilizon is not designed to be a “Facebook killer”.

We can see the danger of hosting an event page for a militant rally on Facebook, a monopolistic platform that escalates the scandals concerning about people’s private lives and the manipulation of public opinion. However, compared to those of the web giants, our means are modest.

Let’s start with a tool that may not do everything but does it well. A tool built on a solid foundation that can evolve through contributions.

We have made the choice to focus on the specific needs of a particular audience (activists), but this does not prevent different communities from using Mobilizon in other cases. In the longer term, we will be able to adapt the tool to these other audiences.

We do not want to reproduce the toxicity of Facebook. Surveillance capitalism uses the mechanisms of the attention economy to lock up our time, capture our behavior and impose advertising on us.

Mobilizon does not depend on such a business model: this is an opportunity to try to do better, by doing things differently.

Je li istina, da je Mobilizon razvijen za aktivističku publiku? Što ako nisam dio te publike …?

Da, Mobilizon je osmišljen kao alat koji primarno odgovara potrebama aktivista koji se žele okupiti, organizirati i mobilizirati.

To znači da smo intervjuirali ljude koji se identificiraju kao aktivisti kako bismo razumjeli njihove digitalne prakse i stvorili alat koji ispunjava njihova očekivanja.

Iako je aktivistička publika srž našeg dizajna, to ne znači da isključujemo druge slučajeve korištenja. Vjerujemo da ako je alat dovoljno dobro dizajniran da pomogne grupi organizirati prosvjed, onda bi trebao pokriti i potrebe obitelji koja organizira rođendan 😉!

Drugim riječima, svejedno tko si, koristi Mobilizon kako tebi odgovara.

Tko razvija što u Mobilizonu?

Mobilizon razvija Framasoft, francuska udruga za popularno obrazovanje o digitalnim temama.

Zapošljava programera tcit koji od 2018. godine radi na svim potrebnim projektima za Mobilizon:

  • Razvoj novih funkcionalnosti i održavanje softvera;
  • Razmišljanja o arhitekturi, dizajnu i budućnosti Mobilizona (u suradnji s dizajnerom Marie-Cécile Godwin Paccard);
  • Priprema novih stabilnih verzija i komunikacija (ulaznice, blog, dnevnik promjena itd.);
  • Izrada i održavanje indeksa Mobilizon instanci;
  • Izrada i održavanje [Mobilizonove dokumentacije (;
  • Podrška i rasprave o Mobilizon projektima na programima za praćenje grešaka, forumu, kanalu Matrix ili putem e-maila;
  • Pregled koda i integracija zahtjeva za povlačenje/zahtjeva za spajanje, kao i podrška za značajke koje su dodali vanjski suradnici (ispravci grešaka, dokumentacija, faktorizacija, itd.);
  • Održavanje više Mobilizon instanci.

tcit radi i na internim Framasoft projektima. (Framagenda, Framapiaf, admin-sys itd.). Drugim riječima, upravljanje Mobilizonom vodi jedan zaposlenik, koji je pored ostalih poslova odgovoran za sve projekte.

Ostali volonteri i članovi Framasofta također doprinose projektu Mobilizon (strategija, komunikacija, dokumentacija, razvoj, animiranje zajednice).

Mobilizon ne razvija startup poduzeće s timom od 50 ljudi i tokom rada pun hiper-formatiranih procesa.

Framasoft stoga treba vremena za unapređivanje softvera vlastitim tempom i svojim netipičnim metodama koje su se do sada pokazale vrlo učinkovitima.

Mobilizon je alat. Znači li to da je neutralan?

Ne, nije.

Vjerujemo da niti jedan alat nije neutralan: način na koji je alat dizajniran, kao i trag ovog alata u našoj kulturi, utječu na naše ponašanje. Upravo iz tih razloga, primjerice, imamo refleks uhvatiti odvijač za dršku.

Mobilizon razvija Framasoft, francuska udruga za popularno obrazovanje o digitalnim temama.

Mobilizon je dio niza radnji koje je udruga Framasoft okupila u svojoj kampanji Contributopia. Ove radnje imaju za cilj predložiti alternativne digitalne alate onima koji nude nadzorni kapitalizam, tako da ljudi koje takav sustav ne prepoznaje mogu stvoriti prostore za slobodu.

Kao rezultat toga, razvoj Mobilizona i/ili upravljanje stranicama povezanim s projektom Mobilizon (,, itd.) možda se neće svidjeti svima (zbog različitih ideja, ideologije ili kulture).

Poštujemo to i podsjećamo da je sav softver projekta Mobilizon slobodan i da se može duplicirati i razvijati s drugim kulturnim utjecajima.

Čemu Mobilizon, kad postoje GetTogether, Demosphere, itd.? Koja je razlika između ovih alata?

Before committing ourselves to two years of work to develop Mobilizon, we took the time to look at what was being done elsewhere, and to ask ourselves whether it would not be better to contribute to an existing project.

There are several other event and group management tools available that are fairly interesting, but we haven’t found any that meet all our criteria.

We wanted a free-libre open source software, federated according to the ActivityPub protocol, functional on a large scale, designed outside the economy of attention systems, that could meet the needs of an activist audience. Such software didn’t exist, so we made it.

We do not claim that Mobilizon is better than any of the other tools. It corresponds to an audience, a need. We also firmly believe that the diversity of projects is a good thing. Capitalism has taught us to think: “one desire, one need, one brand”, whether it’s a soda or a small yellow removable self-adhesive paper note. We believe that every tool has its place, and have not tried to make of Mobilizon a dominant tool.

Finally, we believe that coopetition will help free and federated tools set standards, and offer more robust and resilient protocols and uses.

Je li „Mobilizon” registriran zaštitni znak?

Da, Framasoft je vlasnik zaštitnog znaka "Mobilizon" u nekoliko zemalja u preventivne svrhe.

Framasoft time potvrđuje svoju namjeru da ne koristi intelektualno vlasništvo u predatorske svrhe ili da ograniči legitimnu upotrebu softvera. S druge strane, Framasoft zadržava pravo prisilne registracije zaštitnog znaka, posebno u slučaju narušavanja imidža projekta "Mobilizon". Preporučujemo izraditi vlastiti digitalni identitet, bez korištenja riječi "Mobilizon" za svoj projekt (ime softvera, ime domene …) kako ne bi došlo do zabune oko toga tko stoji iza web stranice/projekta.

Za više informacija pogledaj naš Kodeks ponašanja u vezi sa zaštitnim znakovima.


Što je instanca?

When a person installs Mobilizon on their server, they create an instance of Mobilizon. Concretely, this is a website generated and managed by the Mobilizon software.

This Mobilizon website allows people to create accounts, groups, events, etc. The data created is then nested on the hard drive of the server of the Mobilizon instance. This is why we also say that it is a hosting.

One can compare this instance to a community center or an apartment building. Each person creating an account installs their belongings (their data, their digital contents) in the accommodation. Each group created takes possession, as it were, of one of the common rooms.

The users of these rooms may be under the impression they are taking possession of the premises… but in concrete terms, the owner of the walls, the one who is able to establish common rules and the procedures to enforce them, it is the host.

Što je host?

“Hosting provider” refers to the person, or more often the group of persons (association, company, collective, etc.) that offers an online service. In practice, these persons have a server on which they install software (e.g. Mobilizon software). This installation of the software, called an instance, is accessible online by the public, in the form of a Mobilizon website.

The public can therefore access this instance and interact with it, by creating an account, publishing events, discussing, etc. in a group. All of these actions are digital information, therefore data that is hosted on the hard drive of the host’s server.

A web host can be compared to a landlord who would open their accommodation to the public. Their role is both to ensure the maintenance of infrastructure (system administration), but also to set up and enforce internal rules and regulations (moderation, administration), or even to ensure good relations with the neighboring owners if the host decides to federate with them (federation policies).

Što je fediverse?

The fediverse refers to all software, instances and data which could interact together, as they speak the same language, i.e. the Activity Pub protocol.

In other words, the fediverse gathers all accounts, contents, instances and tools that have the ability to find themselves within the same federation.

A distinction must be made between fediverse and federation. Several different softwares use the Activity Pub protocol: PeerTube, Mastodon, Mobilizon, FunkWhale, etc.

These speak the same language and theoretically have the capacity to interact with each other: they are therefore part of the fediverse.

In practice, these interactions are still in their infancy, because they first need to be imagined and then implemented in the code of these software programs, and then released by updating the installation of these software on the host’s server.

When hosting providers allow their instance of one software to interact with the instance of another host, both these interconnected instances form a small piece of a federation.

Within the fediverse, there is not one federation, but rather numerous bubbles of federation, more or less isolated or interconnected.